Transactions – How to use P2WSH addresses using full redemption script and witness program?

I just put a few dollars here.
Bech32 Address: bc1qx6c07u2s6pu6d5ede8ee9hmynahp9edgg764cm58gfxmryk3ryqsxarnnv
watch script hexadecimal 76a914b1217062623d9101426f61593cb1abc3e44ed00488ac
Witness Script Asm
OP_DUP OP_HASH160 14<b1217062623d9101426f61593cb1abc3e44ed004> OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
witness version 0
witness program 36b0ff7150d079a6d32dc9f392df649f6e12e5a847b55c6e87424db192d11901
ScriptPubKey hexadecimal 002036b0ff7150d079a6d32dc9f392df649f6e12e5a847b55c6e87424db192d11901
ScriptPubKey Asm OP_0 20<36b0ff7150d079a6d32dc9f392df649f6e12e5a847b55c6e87424db192d11901>
Please show me how to use this. Anytime you want to get funded I do this for security training building a P2WSH address from P2SH redemscript hash160.