
Transactions – which parts of Bitcoin are sitting or moving

With a Bitcoin ETF about to launch, I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants a deeper understanding of how Bitcoin moves. I’m curious if you have any insight into what parts of Bitcoin have been moving recently. Or maybe it’s easier to tell which parts of Bitcoin haven’t moved.

Example 1: No movement at all

Let’s say you have a wallet where you’ve recently stored 1 Bitcoin, but it’s never coming in or going out. Then it would definitely be 1 Bitcoin that did not move.

Example 2: Possible movements

Let’s say you have a wallet that currently holds 10 bitcoins. There was previously one transaction in which 3 Bitcoins arrived. You could say there are 7 Bitcoins that didn’t move, but with a lot of transactions it can be hard to generalize, so it’s okay to simply say that the Bitcoins in this wallet did move (i.e. 0 didn’t move).

Hence the question

Thoughts so far

I believe it is possible to determine this with the information in the blockchain. Of course we’ll ignore anything off-chain, and that’s okay.

We looked into the quantity of Bitcoin currently in circulation and the 24-hour trading volume. However, I believe that a significant portion of the trading volume will be dominated by multiple transactions of the same coin (backwards or a > b > c).

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