
utxo set – Cannot access hidden ledger wallet

utxo set – Losing access to ledger hidden wallet – Bitcoin Stack Exchange

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3rd time

hello. I know I’m stupid, but I’m completely confused as to how this happened. So I have 24 seed phrases for the ledger. No problem at all. However, I have set up an advanced feature on the ledger called bip39 that allows me to link a hidden wallet to this new password. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to do, but when I enter my passphrase, I don’t see the wallet containing my cryptocurrency. I wrote down each passphrase (there were two, another mistake) and have no idea why my wallet address containing the Findora cryptocurrency isn’t showing up. I think I made a mistake and didn’t record it correctly or at all. But since I always use the same passphrase, I ended up making a typo or forgetting it a couple of times when setting it up. I went into the exchange, copied the address, and went to Explorer. Pindora was still there, so I could see the wallet address on the chain. I can honestly say I am confused because I am not new to cryptocurrency and I am very annoyed with myself. Anyway, is it possible to access a hidden wallet without a password? There is a 24 word seed phrase. Did someone on Reddit mention Ian Coleman? Anyway, they said they would give me a small reward when I got it back. many thanks

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