Wallet – Find Missing or Obscured Characters in Your Bitcoin Private Key Without Knowing Where It Is

I provide the following (masked) BTC private keys:
What I can tell you is that the above key has 3 incorrect letters in different random positions. The 3 incorrect letters can be the same letter in uppercase or lowercase or they can be different.
But let’s say all three characters are the same letter and have the same case (e.g. AAA).
The alphabet consists of 26 letters, each in uppercase and lowercase.
Considering this, we can see that the key is 52 characters long.
What are the odds that someone will crack the key and find the correct missing letter?
What calculations and permutations should I do?
26x26x26…x26, 52 times?
If we knew the exact location of the incorrect letters, the calculation would have been much easier.
But in this case, the exact location is a secret, because we are trying to understand how many permutations/chance it takes to find that location.
How do I do it? Is it possible to break the three missing letters or is it impossible?
thank you
PS – Forgot to mention, I have the full private key and I know what and where the missing letters are. I just wanted to clarify that I am not trying to crack anyone’s keys. Also, the address is empty. I just want to know how likely it is that someone will crack the format and what the formula is.