
Wallet – Real-world security implications of an exposed 24-word seed phrase containing “spaces”

I want a (significant amount of) strength in numbers for my self-managed 24-word Bitcoin wallet, but I don’t want to memorize all 24 words. Laziness is rampant.

My thoughts: Make a note (probably digital) that includes: N 24 words in order (without scrambling), N Number of spaces. that much N Whitespace is not in digital format and is stored entirely in memory.

For example, 8 out of 24 words are left blank in the note.

grab merit ___ can
___ ___ floor car
exit mother ___ festival
october ___ camp ___
trial nephew ___ fabric
galaxy napkin ___ apple

Note: This seed is referenced here.

Out of curiosity, does the position of the margins provide different possibilities? For example, do you want the blank to be loaded forward rather than unfolded?

I am very flexible in that I hit the “sweet” spot with the number of word omissions I need to remember without significantly compromising the security of my wallet. I would also consider cycling wallet/seeds every

Can this strategy provide a sufficiently high level of protection in practice? Or are people already cursing me for thinking about these security trade-offs? Pros and cons are equally welcomed.

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