
What is Narmada? A Beginner’s Guide to Privacy-Focused Blockchain Protocols

As more users adopt cryptocurrencies and decentralized applications (dApps), the need for secure, private, and seamless cross-chain interactions is becoming increasingly clear. Meet Namada, a protocol designed to address these issues head-on.

Namada is a proof-of-stake layer 1 blockchain that aims to revolutionize the way users trade and interact with digital assets across multiple networks.

Namada leverages cutting-edge encryption technology and innovative architecture to enable users to transfer a variety of fungible and non-fungible digital assets with unparalleled privacy and security.

The importance of personal information protection in the blockchain ecosystem cannot be overemphasized. While traditional blockchains provide a degree of pseudonymity, transactions are still visible on a public ledger, potentially exposing users’ financial activities to prying eyes.

Namada seeks to solve this problem by providing a strong privacy framework that allows users to transact freely without compromising confidentiality.

What is Narmada?

Namada is a privacy-focused layer 1 blockchain protocol that allows users to trade a variety of digital assets across multiple networks while maintaining a high level of confidentiality. Built with Cosmos Zone, it is compatible with other blockchains in the Cosmos ecosystem and supports interoperability with Ethereum through a trustless bridge.

Fundamentally, Namada is designed to provide users with a secure, private environment to conduct transactions and interact with decentralized applications (dApps).

It achieves this by using advanced cryptographic techniques such as zero-knowledge proofs and multi-asset protection pools, which allow users to transfer assets without revealing sensitive information on the blockchain.

Namada is part of the Anoma ecosystem, which aims to create a multi-chain future focused on privacy and scalability.

As Anoma’s first fractal instance, Namada serves as a proof-of-concept for the broader vision of the Anoma protocol and demonstrates the feasibility and potential of a privacy-centric blockchain architecture.

The main features of Narmada are:

  1. Asset-agnostic privacy protection: Namada allows users to transact with all supported digital assets, both fungible and non-fungible, while maintaining the same level of privacy across all assets.
  2. Interoperability: Namada leverages the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol and the trustless Ethereum bridge to allow users to securely transfer assets between various blockchains.
  3. Scalability: Namada’s architecture is designed to support high transaction throughput and low latency, ensuring a seamless user experience as the network grows.
  4. Dispersion: Namada operates on a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism called Cubic Proof-of-Stake (CPoS), which promotes decentralization and security within the network.

How Narmada Works

Namada’s architecture is designed to provide users with a private, secure, and interoperable environment to conduct transactions and interact with decentralized applications (dApps).

Let’s take a closer look at the core components and technologies that make Namada work.

Multi-Asset Shielded Pool (MASP) Circuit:

  • Namada utilizes an upgraded version of the Multi-Asset Shielded Pool (MASP) circuit that allows all assets (fungible and non-fungible) to share a common shielded pool.
  • The MASP circuit allows users to transfer any supported asset such as cryptocurrency, tokens, or NFTs while maintaining complete privacy.
  • Transactions involving different assets are indistinguishable from each other, providing a high level of confidentiality.

Zero-knowledge proof

  • Namada uses advanced zero-knowledge proof techniques such as zk-SNARK (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge) to verify transactions without revealing sensitive information.
  • Zero-knowledge proofs allow users to prove the validity of a transaction without revealing the sender, recipient, or amount being transferred.
  • This technology protects user privacy while allowing for secure and verifiable transactions.

Rust implementation

  • The reference implementation of the Namada protocol was built using the Rust programming language.
  • Rust is known for its focus on safety, concurrency, and memory efficiency, making it ideal for building secure and scalable blockchain systems.
  • Namada’s development is led by Heliax, one of the development organizations within the Anoma ecosystem.

consensus mechanism

  • Namada operates based on a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism called Cubic Proof-of-Stake (CPoS).
  • CPoS is designed to promote decentralization, security, and fairness within the network.
  • Validators and delegators participate in the consensus process by staking tokens and are rewarded for their contribution to network security.


  • Namada is built to be interoperable with other blockchains, enabling seamless cross-chain transactions.
  • Utilizes the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol to enable communication and asset transfer with other IBC compatible blockchains, such as blockchains within the Cosmos ecosystem.
  • Namada features a trustless Ethereum bridge, allowing secure and private interactions with the Ethereum network and associated dApps.


  • Namada integrates a governance mechanism where stakeholders can propose and vote on protocol upgrades and changes.
  • The governance process is designed to be transparent, inclusive, and community-driven, ensuring the network evolves in line with the needs and desires of its users.

Cubic Proof of Stake (CPoS) mechanism

Namada’s Cubic Proof of Stake (CPoS) is an innovative consensus mechanism that improves security, decentralization, and fairness within the network. CPoS offers several advantages over traditional PoS systems.

  1. Automatic compounding of staking rewards eliminates the need for manual claiming and re-staking.
  2. Cubic Slashing encourages diverse and independent configurations by punishing malicious or careless actions by validators.
  3. Improves security by automatically detecting accounts responsible for violations.
  4. Flexible transaction fees that can be paid in multiple tokens, not just the native token.

These features create a more secure, efficient, and user-friendly staking environment for both validators and delegators. Validators benefit from streamlined rewards and incentives to maintain security settings, while delegators can have confidence in the security of the network and its deterrence against malicious behavior.

Use cases and applications

Namada’s privacy, interoperability, and scalability capabilities support a wide range of use cases and applications, including:

Private Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

  • Confidential lending, borrowing and trading.
  • Attracts users who value privacy and security.

Transfer of Confidential Assets

  • Securely and privately transfer fungible and non-fungible tokens across blockchains.
  • Useful for high-net-worth individuals, institutional investors, and cross-border payments.

Private voting and governance

  • A secure and confidential voting system for DAOs, corporate governance, and public elections.
  • Promote fairness, transparency and inclusiveness in decision-making processes.

Confidential Supply Chain Management

  • Track and verify the movement of goods while maintaining data confidentiality.
  • Protect trade secrets and ensure product integrity.

Privacy Protection Identity and Credentials

  • Selectively disclose personal information and credentials to trusted parties.
  • Streamline user authentication, background checks, and compliance checks.


Namada is a blockchain protocol designed to provide privacy, interoperability, and scalability. Namada aims to provide solutions to users and developers who want to leverage blockchain technology while maintaining privacy by leveraging advanced cryptographic techniques such as zero-knowledge proofs and multi-asset protection pools.

Namada’s features include asset-agnostic shielded transfers, shared shielded pools, fast ZKP generation on edge devices, and low transaction fees. These capabilities enable a variety of applications, including private DeFi, confidential asset transfers, secure voting systems, and privacy-preserving identity solutions.

Namada focuses on interoperability through compatibility with IBC and trustless Ethereum bridges, allowing cross-chain interactions and aims to contribute to the growth of the interconnected blockchain ecosystem.

As privacy continues to be an issue in the blockchain space, solutions like Namada can play a role in solving this problem. Namada’s success will depend on its ability to deliver promised features, foster a strong community, and drive adoption.

For those interested in learning more about Namada, a variety of resources are available, including the official website, blog, community channels, testnet participation, or codebase contribution opportunities.

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