Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Let’s find him!

Have you ever wondered who created Bitcoin? Well, I did, and it turns out that very few people know for sure who he is. So I’m trying to find her his/her her. So at first I thought to find him through his Bitcoin address, I only know 1 of his addresses, his Genesis address where the first Bitcoin reward was mined. But that wasn’t possible so I thought to use his email and asked on chat gpt and got 4 emails from me. (email protected), (email protected), (email protected), (email protected) I sent him an email. I thanked him for creating Bitcoin and asked him to at least reply to me. However, I think the first and second emails are disabled. As for the fourth email, Google is saying there was a problem sending it and will resend it in 48 hours. So what I would like you all to help me do is try to see if the third email is really Satoshi’s. If so, I guess I have something to tell you all. The email has a strange profile picture. And I would like you all to send me a way for us to get access to it or at least reactivate it by email (I know it’s kind of unethical).