Why are we still under the gun of the SEC?

Alex Konanykhin, CEO of Washington, DC -Uni Loco, said that the US Securities and Exchange Commission requested to withdraw the investigation of the encryption operation, but it has not yet received a response.
UNICOIN said in an official notice at the end of last year that regulators accused the regulatory authorities to deal with fraud, deception practices and unregistered securities. The survey was announced on the last day of President Joe Biden administration in December before the people selected by Crypto Fan President Donald Trump acquired the leadership of the SEC.
CEOs, who watched other cryptographic companies that they had taken execution by the new management of the institution, wrote and asked Coindesk to the new encryption task force of the agency on March 17.
Konanykhin said, “We wrote a copy of COINDESK on a letter, and he ended the issue and asked to review the actions of the executive officials related to the case.
The spokesman of the SEC did not mention the status of Unicoin on Wednesday. Unicoin spokesman said to the Coindesk on Tuesday, “The company remains at the last stage of the SEC review process.When now, we have not received new updates or official feedback from the SEC. We are doing our best for compliance and transparency, and we continue to secure the required approval for planned proposals. I’m trying. ”
The CEO said in an interview with COINDESK in Washington last year aimed to harass agencies last year.
“They promised us not to open up to the United States not to raise money, not ICO,” he said. “So I moved to Europe to pack my bags and resume business.”
He said with the intention of returning to New York from Switzerland to New York, with his promise to make the United States a world cryptocurrency capital.
“We thought the war was over, and we said to the SEC.” Hey, we are resuming our activities, “Konanykhin said. At this point, the agency announced that it would be a goal for civil charges.
Konanykhin pointed out that regulators have accused the Securities Law as an air drop. Konanykhin claimed that it was a general marketing strategy found in many encryption assets and claimed that “the US president is doing his memes.”
“It’s embarrassing that the war with encryption is still going on,” he said. If the agency continues to war with encryption by pursuing Unicoin, “I think many observers will be surprised.”
UNICOIN has begun to make an effort to create a “more transparent and reliable alternative” in the United States that it has returned 9 million percent to investors in the last decade. Some analysts said that Bitcoin was made by Chinese information, but no one knows.
Konanykhin said, “It is still annoying to be persecuted by the SEC, but I am pleased with the opportunity for the president who promised to want to be the encryption capital of the earth.”
Meanwhile, he said, “We are actively preparing to go openly.”