Why Functional Strength Training Is One of the Best Exercises for People Over 50
Groundbreaking new research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine shows that regular exercise, such as strength training, is up to 1½ times more effective than medication or therapy in treating depression, anxiety and stress.
One type of strength training that offers many benefits, especially for older adults, is functional strength training. I spoke with Ren Collier, NASM, CPT, a strength coach for seniors, about his experience using functional strength training to help his clients achieve amazing results at all ages.
Collier talked about how these strength exercises can help you build muscle, prevent injury, and keep you moving longer.
Why strength training is important for people over 50
“There was a time, not so long ago, when strength training was thought to be dangerous for athletes,” says Collier. “And now there isn’t a college or professional athlete anywhere who doesn’t use weightlifting to support their sports performance. I believe we will continue to look similarly at strength training for people over 50.”
This study supports this idea, as there is a growing body of evidence showing the enormous benefits of strength training for people of all ages, but especially older adults. One aspect of your health that can be greatly improved by regular strength training is your grip strength.
Grip strength has a very strong correlation with overall fitness and many indicators of longevity that scientists want to use as biomarkers (a way to measure overall health). As you age, if you do not regularly participate in load-bearing and resistance training, such as strength training, you will lose 3 to 5 percent of your muscle mass every 10 years after age 50.
This cumulative loss can lead to injury, disability, and loss of independence, so it’s important to build and maintain muscle and bone density throughout your life.
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What is functional strength training?
Functional strength training takes many of the benefits of other forms of resistance training and takes them a step further.
As a personal trainer and coach to people over 50 for over 10 years, I can passionately tell you that functional strength training is at the center of all of my clients’ programs, and for good reason.
But what is functional strength training? And what makes it better? In fact, functional strength training is merely a descriptive term without a single definition. However, most strength coaches agree that functional strength training has the following characteristics:
It includes all seven natural human movement patterns: push, pull, squat, hinge, lunge, twist, and carry.
It uses a full range of motion.
Emphasizes unilateral and counterrotational movements.
It is tailored to suit your individual daily living needs.
“Functional training is a term that has been used widely over the years, but at its core it is about preparing people for the activities they will face every day. So functional training is going to look different for everyone,” says Collier.
Humans are made to move, and we perform many of the same movement patterns throughout the day, even if we don’t realize it.
Squat when getting up from a chair, and use hinges when bending to pick up an object on the floor at your feet. Carry groceries, children or baskets. Then twist your body and pick up the object next to you.
Functional strength training allows you to be better prepared for everyday tasks and stay mobile longer. This means choosing heavy compound exercises that use free weights (squats, deadlifts, farmer carries, lunges, etc.) instead of static machines and light weights.
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Collier says that in her experience, most people over 50, especially women, dramatically underestimate their own abilities. You may see some progress using light weights at first, but you’ll need to continue increasing the difficulty of your workouts to see results and build muscle.
“The progressive overload rule applies regardless of age, gender or anything else. This means that you should continue to increase your training stimulus over time. If you keep training hard, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve,” says Collier.
In nearly 15 years of coaching, Collier has helped people over 50 perform impressive feats, including performing rigorous push-ups or pull-ups for the first time, deadlifts and squats with hundreds of pounds, and even competing in grueling competitions like the Spartan Race. I have seen it achieved.
Some functional strength training
bench press
overhead press
farmer carries
Palof Press
pull up
Cossack squat
90/90 hip opener
turkish getup
step up
inch worm
bear crawling
Risks and Benefits of Functional Strength Training
Collier knows that many people may be skeptical about starting a strength training program later in life. Still, he says the risks and outcomes are much worse for sedentary people than for those who regularly engage in structured exercise, even those with previous injuries or chronic pain.
“You might think you can’t squat because of your knee pain. But in my experience, a tailored, thoughtful strength program is often exactly what you need to eliminate knee pain and improve your quality of life,” says Collier.
He says the key is to work with an experienced coach who will conduct a thorough assessment and provide you with a specialized program that will help you get where you are while still getting you where you want to be.
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Getting Started with Functional Strength Training
If you want to reap the amazing benefits of functional strength training today, Collier shared these tips for getting started and staying safe.
Consult your healthcare provider first
If you have suffered an injury or are taking multiple medications, it is always best to check with your doctor to see if there are any restrictions.
They may also want you to see other relevant health care professionals, such as a physical therapist, before giving you permission to exercise.
Find an Experienced Strength Coach
Not everyone knows how to coach functional movement patterns or work with people over 50, especially those with special training needs.
Make sure they are certified comfortable coach functional exercises and have a proven track record for people over 50.
Start where you are
Regardless of your current level of fitness or function, you can and should move as much as your body allows.
Beginners can make significant progress through bodyweight exercises and walking, so find an exercise professional who can get you moving and guide your progress.
Embrace the power of all ages.
When it comes to strength, age is just a number. You will be amazed at what you can achieve and what your body is capable of.
Getting started is the hardest part, so find a supportive community and get moving.
plus: Is it safe to ski after age 50? Here are some tips from our trainers to help you continue hitting the slopes as you age.
Meg Lambrych has 14 years of experience as a registered nurse and personal trainer, and now puts that expertise to work in the digital space as a health reporter. Lambrych earned her bachelor’s degree in health and exercise science from Syracuse University and her bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Rochester. She believes that all conversations about health and fitness must be rooted in an understanding of the complex and nuanced realities of access to food and healthcare and how these limitations impact our health.
This article is reprinted with permission from: NextAvenue.org©2024 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. All rights reserved.
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