
Why Turing-completeness is a core feature of the Cairo 1.0 smart contract programming language

Cairo, a smart contract programming language, started as a solution to improve the way blockchain applications work, especially on the Ethereum network. The main goal was to make these applications faster and more efficient, a critical requirement in the blockchain world.

Cairo’s development began with the first version known as Cairo v0. This was a groundbreaking version that focused on providing new ways to write smart contracts and ensuring that computations could be proven to be accurate and efficient. However, Cairo v0 had challenges, particularly in terms of how memory was managed and ease of use for developers.

From Cairo V0 to Cairo 1.0

The leap to Cairo 1.0 in 2023 was a big change. It’s not just an update, it’s a complete redesign of the language. A big part of this change was inspired by the Rust programming language.

Rust is known to be safe and efficient, and these characteristics were introduced in Cairo 1.0. This impact is evident in the way Cairo 1.0 handles different types of data and keeps operations secure, as well as in the overall structure of the language, making it easier for developers to write and maintain code.

One of the key features taken from Rust and applied to Cairo 1.0 is the way it manages memory. Simply put, the memory used by a program is handled in a way that prevents errors and allows the program to run more smoothly. This is done without requiring additional processes to manage memory, which can slow down operations.

Key Features of Cairo 1.0

Turing completeness and its implications

Turing-completeness of Cairo 1.0 is a key feature that refers to the ability to execute any computation that a Turing machine can perform, given adequate time and memory. These properties are very important for smart contract programming. This is because Cairo 1.0 handles a variety of computational problems, ensuring its versatility.

The implications of this are profound. Developers can theoretically configure any algorithm or logic within a Cairo 1.0 smart contract, pushing the limits of what can be achieved on a blockchain platform.

Powerful syntax inspired by Rust

Cairo 1.0’s syntax borrows heavily from Rust, known for its clarity and efficiency. This inspiration results in a powerful, developer-friendly syntax that makes it easy to write clean, maintainable code.

The Rust-like syntax also helps reduce coding errors and further streamline the development process. This approach to syntax design in Cairo 1.0 not only improves developer productivity, but also improves the overall quality of smart contracts written in the language.

Sierra: safe intermediate expression

Sierra, the safe intermediate representation of Cairo 1.0, plays an important role in the language architecture. It acts as a bridge between high-level Cairo code and low-level bytecode, ensuring that all programs running on Cairo are verifiable and secure.

The introduction of Sierra represents a significant improvement in the language’s ability to handle complex computations safely and efficiently. This provides an additional layer of security, protecting against potential vulnerabilities and ensuring the integrity of your code.

Computational integrity through STARK proofs

Cairo 1.0 leverages Scalable Transparent Arguments of Knowledge (STARK) proofs to ensure computational integrity. This feature is essential to maintain the trustworthiness and trustworthiness of computations on the blockchain.

STARK proof allows Cairo 1.0 to verify the accuracy of calculations without revealing the underlying data, providing both privacy and security. This aspect is particularly important in scenarios involving sensitive data, where the integrity of the computation can be verified, while the data itself remains confidential.

Community and documentation support

A strong community and comprehensive documentation are the main strengths of Cairo 1.0. The language’s growing developer community contributes to a rich ecosystem of shared knowledge, tools, and best practices. This community support is invaluable to new developers dealing with the complexities of Cairo 1.0.

The extensive documentation available for Cairo 1.0 provides clear guidance and resources to promote a smoother learning curve and help developers overcome technical challenges. This combination of community and documentation support plays an important role in creating an environment conducive to innovation and collaboration in the Cairo 1.0 ecosystem.

Important programming concepts in Cairo 1.0

Data types in Cairo 1.0

Cairo 1.0 introduces a comprehensive set of data types, each serving a specific purpose in smart contract programming.

basic data type: Examples of basic data types in Cairo include Boolean for true/false values ​​and numbers for mathematical operations. Numeric types are further divided into subtypes, such as ‘felt’, a field element representing an integer that is important for arithmetic operations in smart contracts.

sequence data type: This category includes types such as tuples and arrays. Tuples allow you to group values ​​of different types, and arrays allow you to easily store homogeneous data types, which are essential for handling lists of items in a contract.

pointer data type: Pointers are used to refer to memory locations. In Cairo 1.0, pointers are very important for efficient memory management and data access and play an important role in the language’s approach to handling complex data structures.

Custom Type: It includes structures and enumerations that allow developers to create custom data types to fit their specific needs. Structs are particularly useful for grouping related data, while enumerations help define types by enumerating possible values ​​and increase the flexibility of the language.

Helper macro: This is a tool that aids code simplification and readability. Automate common patterns to reduce the need for repetitive code and improve overall code efficiency.

Syntax details for Cairo 1.0

Cairo 1.0’s syntax is designed for clarity and efficiency, with several key features:

characteristic: The characteristics of Cairo 1.0 are similar to interfaces in other languages, defining a set of functions that a type must implement. It’s essential for writing flexible and reusable code, allowing different types to share the same interface.

hint: Cairo 1.0’s ‘hint’ mechanism provides the compiler with guidance on optimizing code execution. Although its usage has been improved in Cairo 1.0, it remains a powerful tool for influencing the behavior of the compiler, especially for complex calculations.

test function: This feature is essential to ensure code correctness. This allows developers to write tests within the same codebase, streamlining the testing process and ensuring each piece of code works as expected.

Ownership and memory model in Cairo 1.0

Cairo 1.0’s memory model is a great feature, influenced by Rust’s memory safety approach. The language adopts a linear type system where each value has a single owner and memory is explicitly managed. Cairo 1.0’s ownership rules prevent unauthorized access and modification by ensuring that values ​​are deleted (or discarded) when their owner goes out of scope. This is an important aspect in the context of blockchain security.

This approach to memory and ownership not only makes Cairo 1.0 programs more secure, but also more predictable and easier to reason about, which are important advantages in the complex world of smart contract programming.

Step-by-step guide to creating a basic smart contract in Cairo

Initial settings

Cairo Installation: Start by installing the Cairo language on your system. This usually involves downloading the Cairo package and setting the necessary environment variables.

Create project directory: Create a new directory for your project. This will be your workspace with your smart contract code.

Write a smart contract

You can start with a default template that you can modify later, or write code from scratch.

For example, here is an example of a smart contract written in Cairo that allows users to deposit tokens, withdraw tokens, and check their balance.

In this example: “deposit” The function adds the specified amount of tokens to the user’s balance. “withdraw” feature allows users to remove a certain amount of tokens from their balance if they have enough tokens. “get_balance” function is a lookup function that returns the user’s current token balance.

Then run the Cairo compiler to compile the smart contract. This will generate the artifacts needed to deploy the contract.

We recommend testing your contract on a local testnet before deploying it on a live network. This allows you to identify and resolve potential problems in a controlled environment. For this you can use tools such as Cairo’s local testnet.

Smart contract deployment

Deploying smart contracts in Cairo is a streamlined process that bridges the gap between local development environments and live blockchain networks. Now is the moment to transform your code into a functional and accessible smart contract.

The general steps to deploy a smart contract are:

Configuring deployment tools: Cairo provides deployment tools that substantially streamline the deployment process. Configure these tools by specifying important deployment parameters, including the contract’s bytecode, initial state, and wallet details.

Select network: The next important decision involves choosing a distribution network. Will it be testnet or mainnet? Deploying to a testnet helps you test functionality without exposing real assets. However, deploying to the mainnet activates the smart contract.

Wallet and private keys: The distribution process depends on access to a wallet endowed with adequate funds to cover gas costs. Vigilance regarding the safe storage of your private keys and wallet information is important here.

Transaction submission and verification: This pushes your contract into blockchain ether. Once a transaction has been successfully mined, the subsequent step is verification. Use the blockchain explorer to check contract deployment.

User-friendly interaction: Your journey is not over yet as your contract has been firmly deployed on the blockchain. To maximize usability and encourage user participation, create comprehensive, user-friendly instructions on how to interact with the contract.


Cairo’s journey from its earliest days to Cairo 1.0 reflects its commitment to efficiency, safety and accessibility. With a Rust-inspired syntax, integration with Sierra and StarkNet’s ZK rollup for secure computation, Cairo is playing a critical role in scaling Ethereum and strengthening blockchain security. Armed with a growing community and extensive documentation, Cairo promises a bright future for blockchain technology by helping developers create robust and scalable smart contracts.


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