
Will my car insurance costs increase due to a car accident if it wasn’t my fault?

A car accident you cause does not automatically make you an aggressive driver. We are all human and sometimes poor judgment can lead to a collision that can result in damage or, unfortunately, injury.

Now, as you can imagine, if you get into a car accident, your car insurance premiums will likely increase. But what if you are involved in an accident? Did not do it cause?

Imagine you are stopped at a red light and another driver fails to brake and runs you over. In this case, there is no question as to which driver is responsible.

However, as unfair as it may seem, if you have an accident that you did not cause and are forced to file a car insurance claim, your premium rates may increase even after that accident. Therefore, it is important to prepare for that possibility. It is also important to purchase car insurance that can lessen the blow in such situations.

When you’re just a victim

Some car accidents are not cut and dried when it comes to assigning blame. However, in certain situations, it may become clear that one of the drivers was at fault and the other was simply the victim. But even in those situations, victims may end up paying more for car insurance.

Now the good news is that you should not have the same type of rate increase for the accident you caused. But still, the increase in car insurance costs can be brutal. This is especially true at a time when ongoing inflation may cause other costs to increase.

Read more: Find out how to choose the best car insurance company.

In fact, Forbes Advisor estimates the average cost of full coverage car insurance to be $2,150 per year. There are many factors that go into calculating your car insurance premium, including location, age, driving history, and the model and condition of the vehicle at the time of purchase. However, if you’re currently paying $2,150 in insurance and your costs increase to $2,200 due to an accident you didn’t cause, that’s a pretty harsh blow.

Can you avoid increased car insurance premiums?

Accidents cannot always be avoided. But one thing you can do is sign up with an auto insurance company that offers an accident forgiveness program. Under these programs, insureds can often avoid rate increases under certain circumstances, such as a minor accident or the first accident on their record.

To be clear, you are not. guarantee Watch your car insurance costs rise due to accidents you didn’t cause. Rather, it happens I think I will wake up. But don’t let the fear of high car insurance costs keep you from filing a claim with your car insurance company after an accident. That’s why your policy exists.

Moreover, if you decide to pay for damage to your car out of pocket rather than risking increased car insurance premiums, the amount you pay could far exceed the increase in premiums you face. For example, you may have to take thousands of dollars out of your savings account to pay for accident-related damages to avoid having your car insurance premium only go up $40 a year.

So, don’t hide the fact that you were in an accident from your insurance company. And if premium rates apply do If your premiums rise significantly after an accident you didn’t cause, you can use that as a reason to seek new coverage.

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