bitcoin core – Can the median time be used as a proxy for the estimated time of the most recently mined block?

I am using Bitcoin Core CLI to get block information.
.\bitcoin-cli.exe getblockchaininfo
Among other things, this returns two items:
"time": 1713464903,
"mediantime": 1713461780,
I understand mediantime
is the median of time
This is the value from the last 11 blocks and is used to check if the miner used a valid timestamp value for that block. time
of the block they just mined.
Add 50 minutes to that mediantime
Is value a reasonably good proxy for when the most recently mined block was mined? The intra-block time is designed to be 10 minutes, but of course this is not exact as it can vary due to the difficulty and unpredictable nature of hashing.
I use the following in Powershell to display the most recently mined block number, the mining time, and the estimated mining time.
(System.String)$block_chain_info = (.\bitcoin-cli.exe --datadir=E:\BitcoinCore\Data getblockchaininfo);
If ($block_chain_info -ne $null)
(System.Object)$bci = (ConvertFrom-Json $block_chain_info -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue);
$epoch = New-Object DateTimeOffset(1970,1,1,0,0,0,0);
$block_time = $epoch.AddSeconds($bci.time);
#mediantime is the median time of the past 11 blocks
$block_expected_time = $epoch.AddSeconds($bci.mediantime + (50 * 60));
Write-Output "Current Block Number is: $($bci.blocks)";
Write-Output "Block Time is: $($block_time.LocalDateTime.ToStrings)";
Write-Output "Block Expected Time is: $($block_expected_time.LocalDateTime.ToStrings)";
"Could not obtain block chain info from the Bitcoin Core CLI";
I’m in the Central Standard Time time zone, so this is what I see for the most recent block:
Current Block Number is: 839816
Block Time is: 2024-04-18T13:46:27
Block Expected Time is: 2024-04-18T13:33:41
In case it is important bitcoin-cli --version
Bitcoin Core RPC client version v27.0.0
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