
Eisenberg of Mango Markets charged with possession of child pornography

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Abraham Eisenberg was allegedly in possession of child pornography.

According to the most recent court documents, Eisenberg is accused of distributing child pornography images from 2017 to 2022.

Abraham Eisenberg was allegedly in possession of child pornography. In October 2022, Eisenberg was found guilty of fraud and market manipulation for the theft of $110 million from Mango Markets, a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol.

Eisenberg’s devices, which were released April 26, contained photos of prepubescent children under the age of 12, according to court documents dated April 3.

The most recent accusations follow another court filing from August 2023 that said the photos were first discovered on Eisenberg’s phone and laptop during the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s initial investigation into claims of market manipulation and fraud.

After child pornography material was identified on Eisenberg’s electronic devices, law enforcement applied for and was granted an extension of the search parameters of the original warrant in February 2023.

Eisenberg is accused of distributing child pornography images from 2017 to 2022, according to the most recent court documents. According to court documents:

“Defendant knowingly possessed and accessed with intent to view books, magazines, periodicals, films, videotapes, computer disks and other materials containing child pornography images.”

The Mango Markets fraudster could face up to 10 years in prison if proven guilty, but the charges have not yet been proven. U.S. criminal law provides for a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison for simple possession of child pornography, with no minimum requirement.

Undercover reporter Christopher Brunet said he was able to obtain screenshots of Eisenberg’s conversations with minors, but “the conversations were too disgusting to be posted on Substack.”

Eisenberg was arrested in Puerto Rico in December 2022 after being detained in the United States since January 2023. In October 2022, he was found guilty on fraud and market manipulation charges related to the $110 million Mango Markets DeFi protocol exploit.

After a two-week jury trial, the court handed down its decision on April 18. At a hearing on July 29, the judge will announce the sentence. On the fraud charge, Eisenberg could face up to 20 years in prison.

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