
script – How to identify P2TR output type?

You can use only the scriptpubkey to identify the address type. However, I am debugging a library that is having difficulty distinguishing the next transaction/scriptpubkey from the p2tr transaction/scriptpubkey.

Incorrectly displayed p2tr:

Txid: 2b3733a39b87cef1f7c2ca8988583ec0c1a886651b040e3dbaf4c26be81d0f75:195

Scriptpubkey: 245a227ef640f3b1dc1815e6e39b482677f0f57b69de7775faec778c0950a8851805000000

p2tr displays correctly:

Txid: 83c8e0289fecf93b5a284705396f5a652d9886cbd26236b0d647655ad8a37d82:0

Scriptpubkey: 5120a457d0c0399b499ed2df571d612ba549ae7f199387edceac175999210f6aa39d

And honestly… I understand why libraries are a problem. The problematic scriptpubkey looks like p2tr(1, data). But one thing I noticed is that there is no witness on the tx with the problem (before segwit). Is this the only solution to check the watch stack for the correct pattern?

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