
Trading – Where is my BTC?

Hello my friend bought BTC on an exchange in 2017. He recently went in there again and saw that there was some BTC in there. When I looked, I saw that he had bought the item and sent it to me. The problem is that he doesn’t remember where he sent it. Is there a way to get his memory back?

12/11/2017 To address 3BPixQAKAXXu34UVmNHVNg5zAU6ZBqbsNQ – Sent 0.003643- Tx id d0e02f3946c0c01bf31b4e035490c34a

Sent on May 12, 2017 to 38tJkbhhgYxx7JjptZFsrynd4PcZWqKd7z – 0.010564- Txid 052bac1e036ce1f76e2dbb34e880b085

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