Have you ever heard of the Big Mac Index? How does it reflect the national economy?

Big Mac Quotes: Have you ever wondered how much an item you consume in India would cost in another country? You may already know that the price of the same product can vary from country to country.
Well, there is an interesting yet insightful indicator of currency strength called the “Big Mac Index”. That’s right. It’s all about the burger!

What exactly is the Big Mac Index?
Basically, the price of a Big Mac can tell you a lot about the state of the economy and how well it’s doing.
The Big Mac Index is a price index introduced by Pam Woodall in ‘The Economist’ in 1986. The name comes from the Big Mac burger sold in McDonald’s restaurants.
The idea is simple. Because Big Mac burgers around the world use nearly identical ingredients, their prices should be roughly the same everywhere in the world. By comparing Big Mac prices (based on current exchange rates) in different countries, you can see which currencies are undervalued or overvalued, and by how much.
This index calculates the exchange rate that equates Big Mac prices across countries and is based on purchasing power parity (PPP) theory. Consider local factors such as cost of living, inflation, purchasing power and other factors.
What is PPP?
Purchasing power parity (PPP) is an economic theory that states that the price of a good in one country should be the same as the price in another country, taking into account that country’s exchange rate.
Do you use the Big Mac Index?
The Big Mac Index helps determine the implied exchange rate between two currencies and is calculated as follows:

The commonly used default country is the United States.
Exchange rates are given using each country’s local currency. This exchange rate can then be compared to the official exchange rate between the two currencies to determine whether the currency is undervalued or overvalued according to PPP theory.
But why are there only Big Macs?
McDonald’s Big Mac was chosen because the fast food chain is widespread around the world, is largely the same in all countries, and provides a reasonable measure of actual purchasing power.
McDonald’s has stores in more than 190 countries, meaning the Big Mac sandwich may provide a useful control variable. However, the drawback of this method is that it cannot be used to analyze the PPP between the US dollar and countries without McDonald’s stores, such as Bolivia or Iceland.
The Big Mac Index was never a legitimate tool for evaluating exchange rates, but is now recognized globally and appears in many economics textbooks and academic studies.
What does it mean for India?
If the price of a Big Mac in India is much lower than in other countries, it means that the rupee is undervalued, making it a good investment opportunity for foreign investors.
Conversely, if the price of a Big Mac in India is much higher than in other countries, it is a sign that the rupee is overvalued and the investment may not be very beneficial.
It is worth noting that McDonald’s does not sell the Big Mac in India due to sensitivities about local beef. Instead, ‘The Economist’ uses the Maharaja Mac (with chicken instead) to enter India’s Big Mac index.
What are other similar concepts?
Tall Latte Index – This index replaces a Big Mac with a cup of Starbucks coffee.
iPod Index – An Australian bank attempted a version of the Big Mac index using iPod prices.
Billy Index – An index introduced by Bloomberg LP to compare prices of IKEA Billy bookshelves by converting local prices to US dollars.
Gold Mac Index – This index calculates PPP based on the number of burgers that can be purchased with 1 gram of gold in a particular country.
Thalinomics – This concept refers to the inflation rate of vegetarian and non-vegetarian thalis (meals).
So, were you familiar with the Big Mac Index before?
Written by Shivani Singh
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